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Error handling

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Allow "Exclude from AssetWise" to work on Approved Change-Controlled Documents

The Elevated Permission allows to add or remove files from an Approved Change-Controlled Document, but if the file is registered to ProjectWise, the file can't be deleted due to having a dependency reference to ProjectWise. The error message even ...
2 months ago in AssetWise ALIM / CDE (common data environment) / Error handling 0 Future consideration

Simplify check-in process for files with duplicating names

Clicking on the check in option opens a drop zone for the file, and if user drops in a file that starts with the leaf name of a checked out file (and same extension) we could ask if they want to use it to check in the original file
almost 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Error handling 0 Future consideration