Tile RECENT : add ability to view more than 10 items (-more- button at the bottom of the Tile)
Add more configuration possibilities regarding TIles ie :
max number of visible items in a Tile
add an additional Tile(s)
Configure Colors & Text styles in Tiles (headings etc)
Add Tile (interactive dashboard) with System info : (configurable)
Nbr of Document
Nbr of TAGs/Class/Subclasses
Nbr of ECRs by Class & status
Add Tile (configurable/user/by user) with :
My ECRs (based on metadata ex where i'm the project manager)
show all ECRs of the person who is logged in.
Show's status of these projects. (progress, WIP etc)
What underlying problem is this idea trying to solve?
User acceptance & ease of use for all users |