Currently in Layout Editor, there is an option to determine visibility of a Section tab on an object based on if you have permission to see the selected attribute, meaning, the user will see the Section tab on an object if the user has permission to see the attribute, empty or not. As the Attributes available in the dropdown list are only user-defined attributes, they might exist on object as an empty field, and if you have permission to see it globally, then setting it as the determining factor for a Section visibility will show you the Section even if the attribute value is blank, as most of them are. Although this is a good implementation to combine secured attributes in its own secured tab and making that tab invisible, it could be enhanced to have it based on having an attribute different than blank, therefore making the Section tab appear if the determined attribute has a value.
What underlying problem is this idea trying to solve?
You could have a setup where you could categorize all your attributes in different tabs, instead of having them all in the default Details tab, but the more attributes you have, the more tabs you would need. Although you might have a lot of attributes for one class of objects, you won't probably use them all, therefore making some Section tabs potentially empty. This way, the Section tab would appear on the object only if there's a value to show in it. |