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Object layout

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Layout Editor: Determine Visibility of Sections based on Attribute value presence

Currently in Layout Editor, there is an option to determine visibility of a Section tab on an object based on if you have permission to see the selected attribute, meaning, the user will see the Section tab on an object if the user has permission ...
2 months ago in AssetWise ALIM / Object layout 0 Future consideration

Layout editor: introduce support of attributes in relationships topics

almost 5 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Flexibility / Object layout 0 Future consideration

In editing mode, allow users to filter out only empty mandatory fields

In editing mode, allow users to filter out only empty mandatory fields. Currently users sometimes have to scroll through 50-60 attributes trying to locate which one is mandatory and is not populated
about 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Object layout 0 Future consideration

In editing mode, allow users to filter out only populated fields and topics

In editing mode, allow users to filter out only populated fields and topics. It's painful to scroll through all possible attributes and topics (especially when a default layout is enabled) trying to locate a specific one that you want to UPDATE
about 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Object layout 0 Future consideration

Display tags associated to the Functional System (VI) in the content frame

Display tags associated to the Functional System (VI) in the content frame not just in the tree structure in navigation frame
about 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Consistency / Ease of use / productivity / Learnability / Object layout 0 Future consideration

Layout editor: support configuring layouts for Transmittal object

Support configuring layouts for Transmittal object
about 5 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Flexibility / Object layout 0 Future consideration