OR - Ability to control on any given issues status who can edit the status (e.g. restrict and editability to creator and assignee)
Ability to control on any given issues status who can edit the status (e.g. restrict and editability to creator and assignee) Scenario: OR Process / Document Revision A / Reviewer Step Reviewers will create issues in 'Draft' status. After that poi...
6 months ago
in Owner Review
Future consideration
Support multiple independent ALIM sessions with DSS v2
For iTwin-enabled DSS v2, consider changing the mechanism used for managing ALIM sessions. Currently, multiple independent sessions are supported when working through UI(s), e.g. Web and Director, but not through DSS v1.
OR - Warn user that reviewer doesn't have view access to the document on review
The idea is for OR to warn that a reviewer doesn't have access to a document on the review when they are added.. A reviewer may not have access to a document, especially if the system is setup to hide documents by package. If the LR gets to select...
7 months ago
in Owner Review
Future consideration
OR “Add reviewers” dialog - allow selecting all reviewers
'Add reviewers' dialog enhancement Provide the ability to select select multiple reviewers using single check box for deleting Currently it isn't possible to do select all through a single check box
8 months ago
in Owner Review
Future consideration
OR - provide ability to run a team of parallel consolidators during review workflow
The consolidator needs the ability to build a team of parallel running consolidators during the consolidator step (in an identical fashion to the lead reviewer on the review step). Issues do not need to be assigned to any particular consolidator f...
10 months ago
in Owner Review
Future consideration
OR - allow users to decide whether a task can be assigned to a skill or if a person assignment is required
Ideally, users would be able to set a default behaviour for the community (or perhaps scope?) but then have the opportunity to redefine that for particular tasks, if so required
12 months ago
in Owner Review
Future consideration
OR - implement "sticky header" in the Review screen
Implement "sticky header" in the review screen It would allow to keep the visibility of the review name, rev and status while scrolling down the list of files or issues
over 2 years ago
in Owner Review
Future consideration