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Ease of use / productivity

Showing 20

Allow users to define through configuration whether (the value of) the attribute should be carried over to a new revision

Use cases to be covered: Whether or not the value of the attribute associated to the class is carried over to a new instance Whether or not to completely remove the association to the (legacy) attribute not associated to the class when creating a ...
12 months ago in Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

Simplify MOC configuration

Provide configuration options in administrative UI (Director) to specify for a Change Request class whether or not to automatically create prototypes for all affected documents and tags for a Change Request class whether or not to instantiate addi...
5 months ago in Change management / Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

Improve working with tables (search results and relationships)

Should address both search results and relationships topics (at min, in ALIM Web) Allow filtering tables (e.g. based on relationship name or object code) Include check boxes next to individual rows to allow selecting all/subset of records and appl...
over 4 years ago in Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

Add the option to export the list of records from the reassign master button on a project

When you click on reassign master from a project, you get a list of the records available to reassign (split between those available, on backorder, etc). It would be useful to be able to export this as a report just like exporting an availability ...
9 months ago in Ease of use / productivity 1 Will not implement

Improve searching in ALIM Web

The top 5 areas identified through user research are: Ability to add additional parameter to search query Ability to filter search results Ability to quickly navigate between search results and particular record properties Ability to have saved se...
almost 6 years ago in Ease of use / productivity / Learnability / Search / Reports 5 Future consideration

ALIM web landing page - TILES enhancements

Tile RECENT : add ability to view more than 10 items (-more- button at the bottom of the Tile) Add more configuration possibilities regarding TIles ie : max number of visible items in a Tile add an additional Tile(s) Configure Colors & Text st...
over 1 year ago in Ease of use / productivity 0 Will not implement

PW connector: add the functionality to move renditions from PW to ALIM to the sync engine

Add the functionality to move renditions from PW to ALIM to the sync engine (instead of using the stored procedure)
almost 4 years ago in CDE (common data environment) / Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

Allow cancelling the search

To not make users wait if they realize the parameters were not correct and it's taking a bit to retrieve the results
over 2 years ago in Ease of use / productivity / Search / Reports 0 Future consideration

Extend "Download files" action to all object types which support file containers

Currently, the wizard only supports documents. Would be great to support objects which allow configuring file containers (e.g. CRs, physical items, etc.)
about 4 years ago in Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

Allow formatting output columns in eQL search/reports

Examples: Support different date formats (to avoid having to use CAST function in eQL which causes not being able to sort by that column later) Allow defining precision for number fields Allow specifying width of columns
over 2 years ago in Ease of use / productivity / Search / Reports 0 Future consideration