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Ease of use / productivity

Showing 21

In editing mode, allow users to filter out only empty mandatory fields

In editing mode, allow users to filter out only empty mandatory fields. Currently users sometimes have to scroll through 50-60 attributes trying to locate which one is mandatory and is not populated
about 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Object layout 0 Future consideration

Simplify check-in process for files with duplicating names

Clicking on the check in option opens a drop zone for the file, and if user drops in a file that starts with the leaf name of a checked out file (and same extension) we could ask if they want to use it to check in the original file
almost 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Error handling 0 Future consideration

Allow formatting output columns in eQL search/reports

Examples: Support different date formats (to avoid having to use CAST function in eQL which causes not being able to sort by that column later) Allow defining precision for number fields Allow specifying width of columns
over 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Search / Reports 0 Future consideration

Change package wizard: when initiating from the basket only add selected objects

The current design of the change package wizard assumes that all contents of the basket will be added to the package. It would be more consistent user experience if we allowed selection of objects as well (if no objects are selected, we can keep t...
over 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / Consistency / Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

ALIM Import/Export - Instance Associations - Allow Delete

We would like the ALIM Import/Export tool to have the ability to remove/delete Instance Associations. The Instance Association sheet is used to: Add Responsibilities Add XRefs Add Alternate Tag Numbers Associate Work Orders Add Notes Other We have...
over 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

Update Locations, Manufacturers and Plant Assembly navigators to support paging, status icons and scope awareness

Update the server APIs to support paging, status icons and scope awareness for Locations, Manufacturers and Plant Assembly navigators Update the user interface to call the new APIs
over 4 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Consistency / Ease of use / productivity / Object status 0 Planned

In editing mode, allow users to filter out only populated fields and topics

In editing mode, allow users to filter out only populated fields and topics. It's painful to scroll through all possible attributes and topics (especially when a default layout is enabled) trying to locate a specific one that you want to UPDATE
about 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Object layout 0 Future consideration

Display tags associated to the Functional System (VI) in the content frame

Display tags associated to the Functional System (VI) in the content frame not just in the tree structure in navigation frame
about 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Consistency / Ease of use / productivity / Learnability / Object layout 0 Future consideration

Task inbox MFE: allow completing the tasks in branching workflows where user needs to select the path

Depending on the workflow configuration, after completing some tasks users must be presented with the option to select one or several tasks to proceed.
almost 3 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Consistency / Ease of use / productivity / Flexibility / iTwin Experience & PlantSight / Work management 0 Future consideration

Information panel to quickly navigate between search results and object properties/files

Provide a quick view using Info Panel: at least system properties and files. Background: Users find it difficult to review information about found objects, explore their attributes, files, relationships. Navigation to object page results in losing...
over 4 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Search / Reports 0 Future consideration