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AssetWise ALIM

Showing 64 of 101

ALIM mobility

Implement ability to retrieve Asset information Document or TAG's (with related docs) by use of Tablet/mobile device. Also implement barcode scanning to enable TAG barcode's so we can scan them in the filed for easy information gathering.
about 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / User experience 0 Future consideration

Simplify check-in process for files with duplicating names

Clicking on the check in option opens a drop zone for the file, and if user drops in a file that starts with the leaf name of a checked out file (and same extension) we could ask if they want to use it to check in the original file
almost 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Error handling 0 Future consideration

Allow formatting output columns in eQL search/reports

Examples: Support different date formats (to avoid having to use CAST function in eQL which causes not being able to sort by that column later) Allow defining precision for number fields Allow specifying width of columns
over 2 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity / Search / Reports 0 Future consideration

Change package wizard: when initiating from the basket only add selected objects

The current design of the change package wizard assumes that all contents of the basket will be added to the package. It would be more consistent user experience if we allowed selection of objects as well (if no objects are selected, we can keep t...
over 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / Consistency / Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

Provide ability to specify equipment classes to be related to a document (e.g., to a standard operating procedure)

On Document attribute X being saved, relate any physical items that are not obsolete and have the same class(es) as the value(s) set in the attribute with relationship type Y to that Document (X, Y to be provided in corresponding settings per scop...
over 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / Flexibility 0 Future consideration

Show "locked" icon for those objects where a corresponding file container has been checked out

Currently, the "locked" icon only applies to Documents but not to other objects which support adding files directly (e.g. Change Requests, Tags, etc.) The change should apply to both the object page and relevant tree navigators
over 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / Consistency / Learnability 0 Future consideration

ALIM Import/Export - Instance Associations - Allow Delete

We would like the ALIM Import/Export tool to have the ability to remove/delete Instance Associations. The Instance Association sheet is used to: Add Responsibilities Add XRefs Add Alternate Tag Numbers Associate Work Orders Add Notes Other We have...
over 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / Ease of use / productivity 0 Future consideration

Prototype copy options

When creating a change package, the modification prototype or mark-up copy is taken from a base object uses a pre-selected set of options to populate the copy from the base object. Shell wants to be able to configure the metadata and files to be t...
over 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / User specific requests 0 Future consideration

Update Destroyed Documents to Historic

When a document is actioned on a Destroy File Plan the Document Status remains as it was before the files were removed/destroyed. Such action means that typical users can potentially search for, find, and then attempt to download files that no lon...
over 1 year ago in AssetWise ALIM / Object status 0 Future consideration

View Tag Named Relationship in Explorer

Currently tags are only visible in an explorer view when using inherent (parent-child) relationship. As we may have different relationships, the request is to add the ability to view other named relationships for tags in the Explorer view. This is...
about 3 years ago in AssetWise ALIM / Consistency 0 Already exists